How Ghanaian School Short Hair Mandate Is Creating A Nation Of Prideful Beautiful Women

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How Ghanaian School Short Hair Mandate Is Creating A Nation Of Prideful Beautiful Women

-Ghana has traditionally mandated short hair for girls, a practice that encourages young girls to discover and appreciate their feminine facial features without the distraction of elaborate hairstyles. This early focus on natural beauty often stays with them as they grow, aligning with the ideals of the natural hair movement.

Reason for the short hair mandate in schools is also a matter of Ghanaian tradition. On a girl, a short cut signals that she has not yet come of age and is off limits to interested men. Most Ghanaians who can afford to send their children to private schools do not ascribe to the tradition of short hair.

In contrast, in many other countries, black women’s self-esteem has often been diminished by the pressure to wear weaves, which can appear outdated and poorly constructed. In many cases, the weaves are horrible and look out of date with awful stitching’s that fund the lives of asians and Europeans around the world, most of whom are unhygienic individuals selling hair for a living.

This insecurity is fueled by media and societal influences. Despite these challenges, visitors to Ghana frequently express admiration for the number of women who proudly embrace their natural hair, a testament to the country’s unique cultural resilience.

This is not to say the weave pandemic and hair straighten culture doesn’t exist in the nation amongst the insecure women in the country, however in the words of many foreigners that visit the country from outside they nation, they are usually shocked, surprised, and most of all impressed to witness how many Ghanaian women embrace their natural hair. So we must be doing something right.


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