NRSA Directs DUR, Others To Fix Faulty Traffic Signals And Streetlights
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- NRSA Directs DUR, Others To Fix Faulty Traffic Signals And Streetlights

NRSA Directs DUR, Others To Fix Faulty Traffic Signals And Streetlights
The National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) has directed the Department of Urban Roads (DUR), the Energy Ministry and other stakeholders to, as a matter of urgency, fix all faulty traffic signals and streetlights on the country’s roads.
Expressing dissatisfaction with the general state of traffic signals on Ghana’s road networks, NRSA in a statement dated December 17, revealed that 75 traffic lights across the country are non-functional.
A situation, NRSA described as worrying given that it increases the vulnerability of road users, especially pedestrians.
In view of that, the NRSA said it will exercise its mandate to enforce the standards against erring duty bearers should “the irresponsibility persist.”
“The continuous disregard of duty-bearers to these faulty and non-functional streetlights and traffic signals undermines the intent for their installation, which includes the desire to influence an efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians to minimise the potential conflicts and possible crashes,” parts of the Friday press statement read.
With the festive season fast approaching, the NRSA urged road users to be cautious when approaching intersections without traffic signals.
“As an interim measure, the Authority directs that the various District Assemblies should work with the police to deploy trained traffic wardens to help manage the gaps,” it added.
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