Take Active Roles In Fight Against Coronavirus – Hailliote Sumney
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- Take Active Roles In Fight Against Coronavirus – Hailliote Sumney

Take Active Roles In Fight Against Coronavirus – Hailliote Sumney

SINCE the government officially announced the first two cases of coronavirus on Thursday, March 12, education on the disease, especially by health authorities has been increased.
With the number of cases jumping to seven, it is important that education and awareness are intensified and for actress/model, Hailliote Sumney, celebrities must not be left out of things.
Speaking with the Graphic Showbiz on Tuesday, March 17, Hailliote, who has been educating her social media audiences on her various handles, said information about coronavirus, which has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, appears limited for the dominant illiterate population who are finding it difficult to appreciate the health crisis.
“This is the time for celebrities, who are influential to show their worth as assets to the country. Apart from us, especially the females flaunting our bodies on social media for likes, we can equally channel that energy into education.
“Indeed, we are not in ordinary times as the President said and I want to use this opportunity to call on our celebrities to come out of their shells and fight for the motherland. In other parts of the world, celebrities are raising funds and leading awareness of this deadly disease, we need to do more here,” she stated.
With the education being more vibrant on social media where English language is the medium of communication, Hailliote expressed her disappointment that the large population, which was illiterate, may be left out.
“How do we get our brothers and sisters who can’t speak, read or write the English language involved in this campaign? This is where I believe celebrities should step up their game by getting into the various communities to broadcast in our local languages about this virus.
“Can you imagine someone such as Nana Ama McBrown, Emelia Brobbey or Moesha Boduong speaking to people about coronavirus in a language they understand? We should not underrate their importance because their involvement will go a long way to help the situation,” she stated.
Canadian-born Hailliote Sumney took to the catwalk at New York Fashion Week in February this year, modelling designs by Vanessa Harrison’s VanVorsh brand.
She told the Graphic Showbiz that she was not happy about the low attention the modelling industry is receiving in Ghana when it is flying high in other countries.
“In Ghana, the creative sector is limited to movies and music and it is disheartening that no attention is given to others, especially the modelling sector.
“Other countries are benefiting hugely from the modelling industry, at least from my engagement with some top personalities but we are not giving it the needed attention and it is discouraging the few ones in it,” she said.
Source: Graphic Showbiz
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