Afrochella Foundation Donates Food, Footwear To Domiabra Methodist Basic School

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  • Afrochella Foundation Donates Food, Footwear To Domiabra Methodist Basic School

Afrochella Foundation Donates Food, Footwear To Domiabra Methodist Basic School

Gifty Boakye, Head of Afrochella Foundation, helping a student to wear her footwear

The students of Domiabra Methodist Basic School were in a high mood when the Afrochella Foundation team arrived to present a donation to them.

The Afrochella Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing developmental opportunities to underserved residents of the festival’s host countries and this time, it was the turn of Domiabra Methodist Basic School at Kasoa, Central Region.

The donation event that occurred on 2nd January 2023, was in collaboration with Mi Daakye and WaterAid UK.

Kenny Agyapong Jr., (left) Co-Founder of Afrochella and volunteers, bringing out the food package from the bag

The team donated packs of meals, several cartons of water, ice-cream, and footwear to the students.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal two aims to achieve “Zero Hunger” which ties into Afrochella’s Feeds Program aiming to raise awareness on eradicating hunger in Ghana.

You could see the visible excitement on the kids’ faces as they received their packages and participated in various fun activities such as games and face painting with volunteers.

The head of the Afrochella foundation, Gifty Baokye advised the students to take their studies serious as they are the future of Ghana.

Students lined-up for their meals and footwear

Afrochella Giveback is an initiative established by Culture Management Group, LLC (CMG) in 2017 under the Afrochella Foundation.

The initiative has also afforded the opportunity for volunteers to actively participate in community development efforts.

Story & Picture by Francis Quasie

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